Local Work Group Meeting
Fillmore County
Monday, May 6th
9:00 AM
Fillmore County Office Building (not courthouse)
Room 108, Lower Level
902 Houston St.
Preston, MN 55965
Monday, May 6th
9:00 AM
Fillmore County Office Building (not courthouse)
Room 108, Lower Level
902 Houston St.
Preston, MN 55965
1. Introductions
2. Updates and Projects from the Root River One Watershed One Plan and Fillmore SWCD
3. Updates and Projects from NRCS
4. Areas of Concern
a. LWG top 5 Resource Concerns
b. Practices to Address Resource Concerns
5. Adjourn
Thank you for your input and participation in Fillmore County Local Work Group.
NRCS/SWCD strives to ensure our products and services are accessible to all; therefore, if you need special accommodation (i.e. language interpreter, alternative format literature such as braille or large print, etc.) please contact the Preston office at 507-765-3878 (NRCS) or 507-887-0240 (SWCD) at least one week prior to the Local Work Group Meeting.