The Root River Field to Stream Partnership (RR FSP) is a Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) project that began in 2009 and collects data using edge-of-field and in-stream monitoring on a small watershed scale to characterize water quality in three small watersheds within the Root River watershed.
“The purpose of this project is to conduct intensive surface and groundwater monitoring at multiple scales in order to provide an assessment of the amount and sources of nutrients and sediment delivered to the watershed outlet and also to determine the effectiveness of agricultural conservation practices” – Minnesota Department of Agriculture
These small watersheds range from 2,800 – 4,700 acres, while the Root River watershed encompasses roughly 1 million acres. The three small watersheds are located in three different geological landscapes: South Branch Headwaters in the eroded till landscape; Crystal Creek in the karst landscape; and Bridge Creek in the blufflands landscape.
Fillmore SWCD has been a partner with RR FSP since the program began in 2010, as has Mower SWCD. RR FSP would not be possible without the cooperation and partnerships we have with our local landowners.
If you have any questions regarding the program, please contact Nikki Wheeler at 507-887-0240, or

For more information, check out the following links:
State and Federal Programs

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)

Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP)

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP)

State Cost Share

Root River One Watershed, One Plan (RR 1W1P)

Root River Field to Stream Partnership

Volunteer Nitrate Monitoring (VNMN)

Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM)

Wetland Conservation Act (WCA)