Part of the ongoing work of conservation is ensuring there is a continuous stream of high quality individuals working in the field and/or acting as knowledgeable spokespersons for conservation concerns. We encourage high school seniors to consider the importance of conservation as they plan their future studies.
Each year we offer a $500.00 scholarship to a graduating Fillmore County high school senior who is planning to study natural resources, agriculture or a related field.
This years recipient is Morgan Pickett, daughter of Colin & Jen Pickett of Preston. Morgan plans to attend the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities to major in Nutrition and minor in Ag Education. She edged out some strong competition with her combination of academic and athletic accomplishments, leadership, and extra-curricular activities. We wish her well and are glad we could help her pursue her future goals. Congratulations, Morgan!
For future applicants, visit out our Scholarships page for more information.